HELENA and the Helmholtz Research Schools Lung Biology and Disease and Radiation Sciences are hosting a Translational Medicine Seminar Series. Join us for the first session on May 30, 2017!
This seminar series aims to give an overview on translational medicine starting from the disease towards the understanding of disease mechanisms, epidemiological evidence, identification of biomarkers and development of new therapies and drugs leading to clinical studies. It will also cover basic concepts in life science ranging from research ethics, good manufacturing practice, translation of knowledge from mice to men, data integration to the transfer of research to the clinics and industry. Basis researchers, physician scientists, and clinicians will introduce challenges and success stories of translational research and the format of a 45 minute talk followed by "Beer & Brezn" will provide a platform for active discussions and networking. The lecture series welcomes all researchers of the Center and is an integral part of the HELENA educational program. HELENA Graduate students and HELENA associated medical students have to participate 5 times (details here).