Camille Barro
Dr. rer. nat. candidate(TUM)
Project Title:Evaluation of alveolar function, regeneration and gene repair in Job syndrome
Keywords: ISTAT3-Hyper IgE Syndrom (STAT3-HIES), induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), lung organoid
Stöger Lab (Institute of Lung Health and Immunity)/ Renner Lab (TUM)
Phoebe Cabanis
M.D. candidate(LMU Munich, Munich Medical Research School)
Project Title:Modelling the disease-crosstalk of IPF in a 3D epithelial-mesenchymal in vitro model via secretom analysis
Keywords: crosstalk, IPF, 3D epithelial-mesenchymal co-culture
Hilgendorff Lab/ Stöger Lab (Institute of Lung Health and Immunity, LHI)
Deepesh Dhakad
Dr. rer. nat. candidate(TUM)
Project Title:Role of innate and adaptive immune responses in long covid pathogenesis
Keywords: Chronic Lung disease; COVID-19; Trained immunity
Yildirim-Conlon Lab (Institute of Lung Health and Immunity, LHI)
Subhasree Dutta
Ph.D. candidate(LMU Munich, Munich Medical Research School)
Project Title: Molecular mechanisms involving Extracellular Matrix transfer in Thymus
Keywords: Cellular and Molecular mechanisms of ECM transfer; Lung Biology and Disease; scRNA-seq Data analysis and interpretation; Bioinformatics; Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Immunology
Rinkevich Lab/ Institute of Regenerative Biology and Medicine (IRBM)
Elisa Fiedler
Associated M.D. candidate (LMU Munich, Munich Medical Research School/ GRK 2338, 3. Cohort)
Project Title:Causative molecular signatures of early-stage squamous cell lung carcinoma
Keywords: cancer research, lung cancer, driver mutations, LUSC
Wei Han
Ph.D. candidate(LMU Munich, Munich Medical Research School)
Project Title: Identification of biomarkers in lung fibrosis
Keywords: biomarkers, lung, fibrosis
Rinkevich Lab/ Institute of Regenerative Biology and Medicine (IRBM)
Shaoping Hu
Ph.D. candidate(LMU Munich, Munich Medical Research School)
Project Title:The functions of the GPCR signaling pathway in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Keywords: IPF, lung fibrosis, GPCR
Rinkevich Lab/ Institute of Regenerative Biology and Medicine (IRBM)
Markus Klotz
Ph.D. candidate(LMU Munich, Munich Medical Research School)
Project Title:Molecular mechanism of farm-dust induced protection against allergic asthma
Keywords: asthma, lung, environment, farmdust
Yildirim-Conlon Lab (Institute of Lung Health and Immunity, LHI)
Santiago Martin
Associated M.D. candidate (LMU Munich, Munich Medical Research School/ GRK 2338, 3. Cohort)
Project Title:Potential role of DMT1 in altering cellular iron metabolism and increasing ferroptosis susceptibility in airway epithelial cells of COPD patients
Keywords: COPD; Iron Metabolism; Ferroptosis; Macrophages; Small Airway Disease
Yildirim-Conlon Lab (Institute of Lung Health and Immunity, LHI)
Carina Steinchen
Associated M.D. candidate (LMU Munich, Munich Medical Research School/ GRK 2338, 3. Cohort)
Project Title:Immunomodulation of age-dependent alveolar stem cell function
Keywords: senescence, organoids, IPF
Lisa Streb
Dr. rer. nat. candidate(TUM)
Project Title:Consequences of antimicrobials and antiparasitics administration in fish farming for aquatic ecosystems
Keywords: host-associated microbiomes; antimicrobial resistance, AMR; One Health; aquaculture
Julian Vogler
Associated Ph.D. candidate(LMU Munich, Munich Medical Research School)
Project Title:Development of a siRNA thearpy against coronaviruses
Keywords: siRNA (small interfering RNA); Antiviral therapy; Pandemic preparedness
Michler Lab, Institut für Laboratoriumsmedizin (LMU Klinikum)
Xiangyu Zhang
Ph.D. candidate(LMU Munich, Munich Medical Research School)
Project Title:The Mechanism of skin wound healing
Keywords: Wound healing; Fascia; Matrix movement
Rinkevich Lab/ Institute of Regenerative Biology and Medicine (IRBM)
Haiyun Zhang
Ph.D. candidate(LMU Munich, Munich Medical Research School)
Project Title:Investigation of immune cell targeting and therapy by novel EV-derived nanocarriers during lung inflammation by intravital microscopy
Keywords: IVM, extracellular vesicle, lung inflammation
Rehberg Lab/ Stöger Lab (Institute of Lung Health and Immunity, LHI)
Jin Xu
Ph.D. candidate(LMU Munich, Munich Medical Research School)
Project Title:Cellular and molecular mechanisms of tissue repair by fascia
Keywords: Stem cells; Tissue Repair & Regeneration; Inflammation; Plastic Surgery; Bone
Rinkevich Lab/ Institute of Regenerative Biology and Medicine (IRBM)
Marie Zöller
Associated Ph.D. candidate(LMU Munich, Munich Medical Research School/ GRK 2338, 2. Cohort)
Project Title:Disease- and cell type-specific responses of human bronchial epithelial cells to cigarette smoke
Keywords: Lung Toxicology, cigarette smoke-induced persistent changes, chronic lung disease, bronchial epithelium
Staab-Weijnitz Lab (Institute of Lung Health and Immunity, LHI)