Munich Medical Research School
Students aiming for a degree in translational lung research at Helmholtz Munich can obtain a Ph.D. in Medical Research as part of the Munich Medical Research School (MMRS) at the LMU Munich's Medical Faculty, within the core area 'Lung Biology and Disease'.
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) - Reporting
For all courses, MMRS doctoral candidates will receive ECTS according to LMU regulations (~ 30 hours workload is accredited with 1 ECTS). All courses offered by the EHLRS, if completed with satisfactory attendance and performance, are automatically converted into ECTS by the Research School Coordination Office. For attended workshops/seminars/conferences etc., doctoral candidates are required to upload the participation certificates to the MMRS Online Portal. Here, they will guide you through the process. If you do not have such a certificate including workload/ ECTS, please check the Downloads section for files that you can upload instead (in one PDF file with all other available information like agenda, confirmation of registration, etc.).
Examination Regulations (Promotionsordnung)
The doctorate procedures are managed by the doctoral examination board (Promotionsausschuss) of the Medical Faculty of LMU Munich. Accordingly, the examination regulations of the Medical Faculty of LMU Munich apply in their currently valid version.
An English version (not legally binding) for international Ph.D. students is available here:
Plagiarism Check - iThenticate - Verification of the originality of text passages
The Medical Faculty board (LMU) has decided to verify the originality of a thesis before it is officially submitted to the Doctoral Office by introducing a new plagiarism detection software (iThenticate). The software indicates whether the submitted thesis contains plagiarized passages or not. It shows how much of the text corresponds with scanned internet databases (these can also contain correct citations, common phrases, etc.). Only supervisors can get an iThenticate report. After generating the report, you and your supervisor can carefully read through the report and determine whether highlighted passages are really plagiarized or not. If necessary, you have a single chance to revise problematic passages and resubmit the thesis for a second and last scan.
Details can be found here.
Please submit the actual text of the thesis only (excluding title page, table to contents, reference list, acknowledgements, etc.) and specify the title of the dissertation.
After assessing the final verification report, please fill out the form"Statement for the verification of originality of submitted theses using iThenticate" and let it be signed by the university supervisor of the thesis. It will then be submitted to the Doctoral Office along with the thesis. Please do not submit the verification report (the MMRS and/or Doctoral Office can review the report online).
See here for more information onSupervision.