Helmholtz Graduate School Environmental Health

The EHLRS program is part of the Helmholtz Graduate School Environmental Health - HELENA, established at Helmholtz Munich. Helmholtz doctoral students therefore benefit from further support and education opportunities offered by HELENA.

HELENA consists of three training activities: Mandatory elements, scientific training, and professional skills training. Graduate students can select from a wide range of courses offered by HELENA and set up their own individual curriculum. In addition to the training program offered by HELENA, students may also take courses and seminars offered by the universities or other graduate programs. 

The following HELENA events are mandatory for all graduate students:

  • HELENA Orientation Days
  • LMU or TUM Welcome Day
  • The Workshop "Good Scientific Practice"
  • Statistics and reproducibility courses

Credit Points & Transcripts

Make sure you receive a certificate of participation for any attended external workshop/ seminar/ conference etc. Please submit your certificates to the HELENA office via the online tool AND send a scan to the EHLRS Coordination Office at the end of each semester.

See here for more information onSupervision.