Emilia Berthold
MD Student
Project Title: Non-Immunosuppressive FK506 Analogues as inhibitors of coronavirus replication
CPC Research Group: Staab-Weijnitz Lab
Nora Bramey
MD Student
Project Title: Characterization of fibroblast senescence in COPD and IPF
CPC Research Group: Königshoff Lab
Yuexin Chen
PhD Student
Project title: Spatial characterization of instructive tissue niches in lung regeneration and fibrosis
CPC Research Group: Schiller Lab
Bikram Dasgupta
PhD Medical Research
Project title: Matrix assisted growth and development of cells in tissue regeneration
CPC Research Group: Rinkevich Lab
Christoph Deisenhofer
Dr. rer nat.
Project title: Cellular and Extracellular Mechanisms of Tissue Regeneration
Research Group: Rinkevich Lab
Lena Haist
MD Student
Project title: Role of oxygen toxicity on the development of central nervous system co-morbidities in neonatal chronic lung disease
CPC Research Group: Hilgendorff Lab
Lex Kaiser
MD Student
Project title: Proteasome activity profiling in asthma
CPC Research Group: Meiners Lab
Julie Kiesch
MD Student
Projekt-Titel: Sputumzytologie als prädiktiver Wert und Verlaufsparameter bei Patienten mit schwerem Asthma bronchiale vor und während einer Biologikatherapie
CPC Research Group: Meiners Lab
Maria Camila Melo Narvaez
PhD Medical Research
Project title: Lung aging in a dish
CPC Research Group: Lehmann Lab
Jeanine Chantal Pestoni
PhD Medical Research
Project title: Lung bioengineering: rebuilding lungs based on humanized bioprinted scaffolds as a future alternative for transplantation
CPC Research Group: Burgstaller Lab
Ursula Rambold
Dr. rer. nat.
Project Title: The influence of deregulated CD30 signaling and γ-herpesviral infection on the development of B cell lymphoma
CPC Research Group: Adler Lab
Melanie Wögrath
MD Student
Project title: Characterization of novel antifibrotic inhibitors of aberrant extracellular matrix deposition in lung fibrosis
CPC Research Group: Burgstaller Lab
Jiakuan Zhao
Dr. rer. biol. hum.
Project title: Barrier immunity in health and disease
Niklas Jonathan Lang
MD Student
Project title: Analyzing cell-cell communication at the single-cell level to uncover pathological niche environments in organ fibrosis
CPC Research Group: Schiller Lab
Yuqin Wang
PhD Student
Project title: Role of the immunoproteasome/MHC class I antigen presentation pathway for interferon-mediated immune responses.
CPC Research Group: Meiners Lab