This years’ CPC Career Day took place on October 16 and 23 and was organized by the student representatives from CPC Research School, Ceylan Onursal, Gizem Günes, Zeynep Ertüz and Sabine Behrend. It was preceded by a survey asking all doctoral candidates to vote for their individual interests. As a result, the program included representatives of a great variety of professional areas. Due to the current situation, the event was run online-only, which in return increased flexibility in terms of selection of speakers.
The Career Day was a great success with nine fantastic speakers who presented their work, their personal career path, the company, as well as possible career options (Program). They were able to provide valuable insights into very different areas including science journalism, sales, scientific art and design, consulting, pharmaceutical companies and academia. Furthermore, experts for job hunting in natural sciences gave an overview on application processes and what to consider when applying. The speakers offered helpful input, replied to the numerous questions from the motivated audience, and enabled enjoyable networking. The PhD students were encouraged to consider several career paths and they learned that it is always possible to switch between academia and industry.
The organizers would like to thank all presenters for their great contribution to the CPC Career Day 2020 and PD Dr. Claudia Staab-Weijnitz and Karin Herbert, the CPC Research School management team, for their kind support.
By Sabine Behrend, Student Representative, CPC Research School