Lena Haist, doctoral student at Anne Hilgendorffs' group at the Institute of Lung Biology and Diseases (ILBD) and the Comprehensive Pneumology Center (CPC), was awarded at DoktaMed. She won second prize in the "Methods" category for her abstract “Role of oxygen toxicity on the development of central nervous system co-morbidites in neonatal chronic lung disease”.
In her project, Lena Haist aims to characterize changes in the neonatal brain associated with mechanical ventilation and/or oxygen toxicity in the mouse model of disease. Particular attention was paid to depict the translational approach into preterm infants.
Neonatal chronic lung disease, also known as Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) affects more than 30% of all very preterm infants. BPD results from impaired alveolar and vascular development in the lung. Although BPD is known as an independent risk factor for adverse neurologic outcome, it is largely unknown, whether and how the main risk factors for disease development, i.e. mechanical ventilation (MV) and oxygen supplementation, contribute to impaired brain development.
For more details on the DoktaMed, please click the following link: mecumplus.de/teams/doktamed/uber-die-doktamed (german)